Extract tmpro assets from unity
Extract tmpro assets from unity

extract tmpro assets from unity extract tmpro assets from unity

I'm not sure I can gather all of the sources for those bundles in order to rebuild them with the newer GUID, although that'll be the first thing I'll try. My second problem is that there are have lots of asset bundles that use both the TMPro and GameText components. In your upgrade guide it's not clear whether the old TMPro should be deleted or not, before starting the migration. Go to Window -> Package Manager and find Text Mesh Pro and remove it. The new Package inclusion stuff always causes issues. pra9 at 15:32 I assume you are using 2018. Ive decompiled it using APKTool Im trying to extract the images from the decompiled source from my research I think that these images are stored within these bundle files. Do you need TextMeshPro jiveturkey at 15:30 No if it gives such error. I use the AssetStore TMPro version with some modifications (mostly bugfixes taken from TMPro forum), and I also have my own "GameText" component that derives from TMPro and allows me to dynamically change the font path based on some data - but both components are used. Ive downloaded the APK file for a game called Subway Surfers Im also trying to 'extract' the assets from the game (images, 3D models, etc). I'm currently investigating what a migration from 2018.4 to 2019.4 would imply and TMPro is the biggest bottleneck.

Extract tmpro assets from unity