Definitions continue to be organized around the "core" meanings that is, "the one that represents the most literal use that the word has in ordinary modern Amharic usage. True to form, the Simon Wallenberg's editors have carried forward Endale Zenawi's work and have lived up to their tradition of creating some of the most widely used and respected dictionaries and reference books in the world. The new edition has been expanded with over 660 pages of definitions making this dictionary the most comprehensive on the Amharic language. A section on the Rastafarian religion has been added. Cultural notes have been added along with useful information on contemporary Ethiopia. The editors of Simon Wallenberg have included a brand new introduction to the Amharic language and a history of the Ethiopian People. Simon Wallenberg's Second 2007 edition of this invaluable reference book is bound to be welcome. The first edition had been out of print since 1975.

In the above context Endale Zenawi's dictionary is archetypal this is a much used and loved dictionary. Dictionaries can be something of a personal matter people become very attached to their favorite.